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Keppel, George.
Inscribed by the author to his brother. Personal Narrative of a Journey from India to England by Bussorah, Bagdad, the Ruins of Babylon, Curdistan, the Court of Persia, the Western Shore of the Caspian Sea, Astrakhan, Nishney Novogorod, Moscow, and St Petersburgh, in the Year 1824.
Publisher: Henry Colburn, London;
Date of Publication: 1827
Stock Code: 7309
INSCRIBED SECOND EDITION. Octavo, pp. xii, 336; vii, [1], 326. Hand-coloured lithograph frontispiece to each volume, fold out map and tinted plate of Tauk Kisra to Vol I; 8 engravings within text over both volumes, as called for (6 to Vol I and 2 to Vol II). Brown half-calf with 5 raised bands; gilt titles, ruling and crest to spine; marbled paper-covered boards with matching marbled endpapers and edges. Spines lightly sunned and a little scuffed. Scattered foxing, a little heavier to endpapers and prelims. Warmly inscribed in the year of publication “Edward Keppel From his affectionate Brother The Author Feb 6th 1827” to third blank of Vol. 1.
George Keppel, 6th Earl of Albemarle (1799 - 1891) had a long military career which included the Battle of Waterloo and service as aide to the Governor General of India, and eventually leading to his rise to the rank of General. This work is his first travel account and covers his return to England following his work as aide, a lively account of visits to exotic sites and magnificent scenery with insights into local customs and history. An attractive set with a notable association. Heavyweight so a contribution towards increased postage costs will be requested for overseas delivery.
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